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You Carry Me

I carried you.

In a heart beat you were one too.

The beat of mine,

The first song I sung to you.

Through pain and a force like no other I carried you into this world.

My skin and smell, your first intuition.

Breathing beside you, as you breathed life into me.

With tired bones and heavy eyes,

I carried you.

With my sore body and full heart,

I carried you.

With an aching love,

our hearts whispering to each other as you fell asleep.

Though I will cry, and you will too.

We’ll continue to sail along,

the shore on a map, lead by you.

With this, I promise,

to always carry you.

What a privilege to be loved like this.

The sleep will come.

The shore will come.

So I understand if you want to be here.

With one breath at a time.

I will carry you.

For as long as you need.

Because you carry me too.

Artwork: Paigedhana

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